Tackling Fraud as Part of Scams Awareness Month
As part of Scams Awareness Month (SAM2014), it’s important to highlight the consequences of being on the wrong end of a fraudster. Around three million people in the UK fall victim to scammers each year, losing anything from several pounds to thousands in some cases. Tackling this issue requires everybody to be watchful and responsible, […]
Understanding the Dangers of Credit Card Data Leaks
After a set of high profile credit card data leaks, concerns were raised that further releases could reveal an even greater amount of information. So far, Anonymous Ukraine – an anti-American hacktivist group – is reportedly responsible for the leaking of more than seven million sets of credit card details. The first data release saw […]
Battling Card Fraud – the Card With its own Keypad
Customers looking to battle credit card fraud could soon have a new weapon with which to do it – a credit card with a built in keypad. Dynamics, a credit card developer, works to develop next generation technology and the company’s latest invention is to have a card that requires a pin to be entered […]