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16 January 2015

How Your Brand Loyalty Could Be Costing You Money

Loyal customers across the UK could be wasting billions of pounds by not switching their financial services and household utilities on a regular basis. Research from Gocompare found that 49% of UK consumers didn’t switch any of the top ten most popular financial products last year, resulting in lots of missed savings opportunities. Opting for […]

8 January 2015

How Much Do Your Lifetime Household Bills Add Up To?

Household bills are often attached to all the essential things we cannot do without but new research shows these costs really do add up – to over £700,000! The average person spends more than £700,000 on household bills during their lifetime with the main expenditure going on transport, recreation and culture costs. According to uSwitch, […]

6 January 2015

Money Saving Tips for 2015

As the first week of 2015 draws to a close, many Brits will already be looking for ways to boost their financial situation. It comes as research from GoCompare reveals that 15% of Brits are seriously worried about their finances while more than a third said they need to reduce their spending as a matter […]

10 December 2014

UK Secret Savings Top £3 Billion

The total amount of stashed savings has increased to more than £3 billion between 2013 and 2014, as more individuals attempt to put money aside. That represents an increase in secret savings of 9% in a year, with the average UK couple now keeping 63% of their savings in sole accounts. More than one in […]

14 November 2014

One in Six Brits Turns to Jam Jars for Money Management

Nine million Brits are currently budgeting by setting aside funds in envelopes and even jam jars, new research from thinkmoney has claimed. Nearly one in every six people set money aside for bills in whatever contained they have to hand, rather than keeping it in an account. This ensures they have enough money to pay […]

29 October 2014

Lloyds Bank Research Suggests Saving is Getting Easier

Seven in ten people in full time employment have at least a quarter of their monthly income left over once bills and essential items are paid off, according to new research. The data from Lloyds Bank suggests people are finding it easier to save funds and accumulate money for discretionary spending. The study was based […]

6 August 2014

Why it Could Already be Time to Start Saving for Christmas

Christmas is still months away, but planning ahead could be a massive factor in easing the financial burden that is often associated with the festive season. Before gifts are even making it onto supermarket shelves, putting money aside could help in the long-term. Figures from Halifax suggest that the average amount spent on Christmas last […]

15 July 2014

Quarter of Brits Overdrawn Shortly After Payday

Despite the undoubted recent improvement in the UK’s economy and recent figures from Aviva’s latest Family Finances Report revealing that income levels have reached record levels, it seems that Brits are still struggling to balance the books. The economy has finally begun to move in the right direction since the recent financial downturn which affected […]

6 May 2014

Student Budgeting – the Best Ways to do it

A student’s finances can be notoriously tight throughout university, which means that budgeting is a vital part of everyday life. From managing essential spending to paying for a multitude of social events, giving money careful consideration can ensure the best university experience. Here are some of the important things to think about and how best […]

28 April 2014

Cutting Your Utility and Energy Spending

The cost of living has been a major talking point since the onset of recession, with many people looking to do more with less. Small savings here and there can quickly add up, meaning small lifestyle and spending changes can have a major impact in the long-term. For those wishing to save a few extra […]

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