Could a Youth Prepaid Card Help Teach Fiscal Awareness?
Getting to grips with money from an early age can be incredibly helpful in later life when it comes to dealing with the challenges of financial responsibility. Plastic payment options such as credit and debit cards are increasing in popularity, so preparing youngsters for the option use these could be important further down the line. […]
What can Youth Prepaid Cards Teach Kids About Finances?
Learning about good financial management from a young age can have a genuine impact on consumer habits in later life. As a result, getting children to think about their money can be an ideal way for parents to pass on good habits. With financial lessons becoming mandatory this September as part of a number of […]
LAUNCH ALERT: MeCard Prepaid Mastercard Reviewed on Prepaid365
The MeCard Prepaid Mastercard was reviewed and launched on Prepaid365 earlier today. The MeCard Mastercard prepaid card is perfect for families with teenagers (13-17). MeCard is safe, secure, and easy to use. Online accounts link the parent card to teen card, enabling the parent to share money in the form of pocket money or gifts, […]