Find out how you can manage your prepaid card account. Most prepaid card providers will provide you with some excellent options to manage your prepaid card account using on online interface and a typical web connection but a few innovative ones allow you to manage your account using a mobile phone as well which can be quite handy. Find out more below
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How can I manage my prepaid card account online
Most prepaid card providers will provide you with secure online account management facilities which will allow you to log in to your own account management centre 24 hours a day, 7 days per week.
Using the online banking facility you will be able to check balances and view statements on your Prepaid Card account, transfer money onto your prepaid card, order additional cards, set-up your account to be managed via your mobile phone by registering your credit/debit card, set up and amend standing orders, set up your texting alerts and amend your personal details.
A full transaction history can be usually viewed via the online account management facility, IVR or the Mobile and you can activate your card, check your balance, review and print your statements and transactions at any time.
Can I managing my prepaid card account with SMS and Mobile Phones
A few innovative prepaid card providers allow you to manage your prepaid card account using your mobile phone. A few companies will allow you to block or unblock your mobile phone account but some allow you to do a lot more than that.
A number of prepaid card providers are using Altair Financial Services' unique and revolutionary AMPS system (Altair Mobile Payments Solution). The system provides cardholders with easy access to several self-service account management functions using SMS text messages.
AMPS enabled Prepaid Cards allow cardholders to:
- Initially load the card from a pre-registered card
- Top-up their account
- Obtain balance information
- Transmit funds to secondary cardholder (Moneyshare Card)
- Pay for goods and services at a merchants location (in development)
- Lock and Unlock a card